All services of Huurteam Tilburg with regard to rental prices, service costs and overdue maintenance on your rental home are free of charge for all residents of the municipality of Tilburg!
Do you have another rental-related question? Then you can always ask us. Our consultants are ready for you with a suitable answer.
We take all the time we need to listen to your questions.
Huurteam Tilburg has professional consultants who can assist you in legal matters with the Rent Tribunal. So you don't have to do any of this yourself!
We'll guide you throughout the entire process. We will keep you informed and will have an honest conversation with you about the (im)possibilities about your case.
If you wish, Huurteam Tilburg can maintain contact with your landlord so you won't have to be part of the discussion. Would you rather partake, that's also a possibility.